Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The cake

Here is the BEAUTIFUL cake from the shower that my friend Nadia made. It took 8 hours to make!!! She actually left school early so she could make it and told me she had a dentist appointment :) I said she needs to go into business!! It even has Chinese characters for her name written on it. (You can also see the "sushi socks" in the picture above)

Here are the party favors:


  1. That is just beautiful! I love the sushi socks too :o) What generous friends.

  2. So beautiful!! I love it all. Kaili will be the cutest baby around (well maybe tied with Jenney's Hannah) ;-) I saw a family at our church on Sun who are Asian and had a little girl 2 1/2 months old who looked so much like Kaili! I can't wait to meet your beautiful girl!

  3. Thanks!! I keep looking at little asian babies also :)

  4. The cake is gorgeous! Love the favors.
