Monday, March 22, 2010


My coworkers surprised us with a baby shower on Saturday and what a surprise it was!!! I was completely shocked and it took a while to recover. I still can't get over their generosity. It was so beautiful---the entire house was decorated in a Chinese theme and the cake was gorgeous and so detailed. The girl who made the cake organized the whole shower down to every detail!! I don't have the pictures of the shower yet but I will post some pictures of what we got. Everyone was way to generous!!!!!
Some of the things we got (I am posting these so our families can see everything :)):

My sister-in-law has decided she will be the best dressed baby around :)
Emily- she now has three red dresses!

Summer- here we come!

The yellow one says "hand picked"

Everyone brought a board book for Kaili- it was so creative!

Bath time!

A waste basket and hamper to match our bed set.

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR GENEROSITY-- I can't express how thankful we are!


  1. Oh how fun! Do you guys have things like a car seat and stroller? Isn't it fun to get the crib all set up and ready to go? Can't wait to "meet" her!!!!!!

  2. Jenney

    We do have a car seat but not a stroller yet- I am sure we will get one. Matt wants a small stroller so it took us a while to decide which one to register for. We will be going through Ohio sometime this summer-- maybe we can meet your little ones also!

  3. So happy for you!! We check your block regularly and pray for your family every day. Kaili will be a very well loved baby. Hope we get to meet her someday.

    love Uncle Perry and Aunt Del Retha

  4. Oh My goodness! Everything is so adorable. I love the clothes. She is one stylin' baby girl. :)

  5. wow these are wide collection of nice clothes and this is good for you that you don't need to worry about dresses now.Winnie The Pooh Baby Shower
