Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 Months!

Kaili Hope is 3 months old as of yesterday! It is hard to believe that we will be getting her in less than two months. We called the orphanage last night to see how she was doing. She had just finished a bottle (which they said she ate quickly) and was falling asleep. They tried to wake her up to get her to giggle for us on the phone but she wasn't gong to wake up for anything :). They did say she giggles a lot! We didn't hear anything else they said because the connection was really bad.

My sister has been bugging me to buy her red clothes so I did finally did buy her a red dress. She is ethnically Atayal, (a minority group in Taiwan) and traditionally they like to wear red. The Atayal people are interesting to read about. This site has info and pictures

1 comment:

  1. I want to see a picture of the red dress! What color do you want for Kaili? I probably should have asked that a long time ago?!
