Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Final Post

After two weeks of praying, waiting and wondering, we have officially heard that Kaili’s birthmom has decided to keep her and raise her. We were not surprised and are thankful that no plan of the Lord’s can be thwarted. For some reason we may never know she was never meant to be our daughter. We will always feel like she was ours for that little time though and will always hold a special place for her in our hearts and pray for her.

Her new name is LuDe (it is the name Ruth from the Bible). We were told the birth mom told them to apologize to us (she was crying at the time). When the birthmom came back to give her decision she brought LuDe (Kaili) with her and they said she looked clean and very well taken care of (as you can see from the picture above). It has been a very difficult time for the birthmom and we know she would benefit from your prayers as well. She does have the support of her extended family. Thankfully it is a Christian family and we can rest in the fact that LuDe will be exposed to the hope we have. They will go to court in the near future to undo all the paper work.

About two days before we heard that her birthmom wanted her back, we were taken to Sight and Sound Theater by my cousin and his wife. They were taking us as a baby present because it was something we really wanted to do before we had a baby in the home. The play was a reenactment the Biblical story of Joseph. I know the story so well but somehow it came even more to life watching it being reenacted. We watched as Joseph put his hope in God only to be despised by his brothers, sold into slavery, brought to a completely foreign land, and was eventually thrown into prison for a crime he did not commit with no hope of getting out. All this happened because God had a particular plan for his life but I can’t imagine what went through Joseph’s mind during that time. I didn’t realize at the time what we would soon be going through, but that story has been a huge comfort to me during this time (not that I am comparing what we are going through to the many hard things Joseph went through). As I said, we may never know why we did not receive that particular baby but one thing we do know is that God is good, he loves his children and that he does have a plan for our family.

Both Matt and I can’t express how thankful we are for all your prayers and support. We don’t want to say it hasn’t been difficult, as it has, but if we had not had the support and care it would have been much harder. We are so very thankful we have a heavenly father that sees our tears and cares.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Terrible News

We found out last night that Kaili Hope's birth mother has decided to take her back. She has until April 24th to change her mind, so please pray that she will make the right decision! Obviously we want to be able to adopt Kaili, but we also know that God is in control and knows what is best for her. Please pray for us also, as this is a hard time for us.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baby Shower!

We have been really busy lately but have been thankful for the busyness in waiting for our ok to fly over to Taiwan!!

While we were visiting Matt's family over Easter, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law surprised us with a baby shower!! It was a lot of fun and everything they served was gluten free so I could eat it all. They picked the most creative games. Everyone again was so generous and we are so thankful for how much has been provided for us!!
I took pictures of everything but they are on another camera so I will just post some pictures of being at the shower:

Playing Games:

The Presents:

My Gluten Free Food :)

Yummy Punch

Matt had fun too! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

We are in Love!

This is her four month picture. Every picture makes us want to get her even more!!!