Monday, February 8, 2010

We went out and bought a new outfit for Kaili to send to Taiwan and decided that she needed a color other than pink :).

Here are a few "coincidences" that we have had happen leading up to Kaili's adoption:

1. One day before Kaili was born, we had the completed homestudy in our hands. She was born early so it was like she was born as soon as we were ready with the paper work.

2. Before we even knew about her, we had picked out the name Kai (恺 )-joyful Li (莉)-part of the word for white Jasmine flower. When the orphanage called us, they said that they had named her Ai (艾)-to be just unfolding Li (莉)-same as the character we had picked out! How neat that the names which were picked out seperately were so close!

3. Money: a few years ago Matt's family started an "adoption fund" for us. They collected change and gave it to us each year on our anniversary. That money, plus the generosity of my family, and an anonymous gift we had EXACTLY(plus a hundred dollars) the right amount of money to cover ALL expenses. I think back and wonder at the needless worrying I did about the exorbitant amounts of money you need for adoption. This orphanage is amazing on how much they provide and God knew ahead of time just how much we needed. Oh me of little faith:)

4. Timing: It is looking like when we get her will be right at the end of Matt's schooling. He will be able to take care of her until I finish school and then we will have a semi-free summer where we can bond with her before Matt gets a job (hopefully in September after he takes his Bar Exam).

- we could look at these as a who bunch of cool coincidences OR we could look at it as coming from a LOVING GOD WHO IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING. I choose to believe the latter!


  1. WOW! That is an amazing testimony. I can't wait till you get to put clothes on her IN PERSON!!!

  2. Love the new outfit. Isn't God amazing how he works. I thought of you all today, we were at Carter's (which by the way has all of their winter clothes on clearance (we got 3 PJ's for Jackson that should have been 60$ for 15$) so you might want to get a few things for next winter for Kaili) anyway all the cute girls there made me think of you all. :-) Love all the new pics of Kaili, and the timing of you all getting her is PERFECT!

  3. Thanks Lindsey and Jenney! I can't wait to put clothes on her in person either!
